Meghan Urback

Seattle, WA
Open water swimming, paddleboarding, weaving, pysanky


JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, SQL, HTML5, CSS
React, Redux, D3, Jest, Puppeteer, pg-promise, AWS Lambda, Emotion, Storybook


Software Engineer, Textio

November 2017-present

Textio provides an augmented writing platform that helps writers craft business language to recruit and hire diverse teams. I'm an engineer on our Core Experience Applications Engineering team and enjoy working with our language and infrastructure teams to build products for internal and external customers. I've implemented interactive data visualizations to highlight biased language in job posts, built full-stack internal tools to support our customer success team, and refactored our web platform to include support for new writing domains.

Software Engineer, Lex Machina

Februrary 2014 - June 2017

Lex Machina provides a legal analytics web platform for researching Intellectual Property cases in the United States Court system. I worked on projects ranging from architecting and implementing new client-side data visualizations to refactoring server-side data models. As part of these projects, I interfaced with project and engineering managers, our NLP and legal data teams, and outside design consultants. As our small engineering team grew, my leadership role broadened to include onboarding and mentoring new engineers and assisting with team-wide priority planning. I lead the conversion of our front-end codebase from ES5/jQuery/Gulp to a more modern ES6/React/Webpack/Yarn based system.

Owner, Artist, Meghan Urback Design, Menlo Park, CA

June 2012 - September 2013

Designed, manufactured, and marketed custom textiles for architects and interior designers. Also produced a seasonal line of wool felt accessories for the home. Clients included the Museum of Craft and Design, Feldman Architecture and Susan Collins Weir Design.


Hackbright Academy, San Francisco, CA
California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA
MFA 2012
Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA
Summa Cum Laude
BA 2009